••Prices will increase the beginning of next month••

During the past couple years the cost of precious metals has gone up drastically. I've tried to keep my prices from increasing as well as long as possible, but I'm unable to any longer. If you've had your eye on something, now is the time to buy.

Willkommen. Bienvenue. Welcome to Forged Mettle Jewelry.

[meh-tl] noun - the ability and determination to cope with a difficult or demanding situation in a spirited way.

So around here the motto is Let Your Mettle Shine.

All jewelry is hand-made, right here in my New England workshop. Most of which is crafted in .999 Fine Silver using Metal Clay.
Each piece is built to last. I've been known to abuse my accessories, so I would never put my name on, or sell anything that couldn't take my punishment and still look like the day it was made.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.

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